Top 6 Stretch Mark And Cellulite Treatments In Dubai

Top 6 Stretch Mark And Cellulite Treatments In Dubai

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite appears as an uneven texture on the skin

Cellulite is a common but harmless skin problem that affects many people. It causes lumpy and dimpled flesh that feels like cottage cheese or an orange peel when touched. It’s often found on the abdomen, arms, buttocks, thighs, and hips. While it appears also in men, it’s more prevalent in women.

Mild cellulite can be seen only when the skin affected is pinched. But for more severe cases, the skin will appear bumpy with peaks and valleys even without pinching.

The main cause of cellulite remains a mystery. What’s known is that it affects the fibrous connective tissues that attach the muscle to the skin. As fat cells accumulate beneath the skin, they push the skin up while the fibrous connective cords pull it down. This causes an uneven surface known as cellulite.

Hormones and genetics play a role in determining the skin structure of an individual. Other factors that influence the formation of cellulite are weight and muscle tone, although even fit and slim people can still have it.

What Are Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are common in pregnant women

A stretch mark is a type of scar tissue that appears when the skin quickly stretches then shrinks. The sudden change in size causes the collagen fibers and elastin to rupture. These components heal over time but the chance of having stretch marks increases.

Aside from sudden changes in diet and pregnancy, the cause of stretch marks can be genetic. Fluctuating hormone levels may also cause stretch marks to appear. Those with a family history of having stretch marks also have higher risks of developing a similar skin appearance.

Oftentimes, stretch marks appear during pregnancy, rapid weight loss or gain, growth spurts in puberty, and rapid muscle growth. The affected area will usually display a reddish, purplish, brownish, or pinkish color, depending on the type of skin. Stretch marks may also feel slightly raised and itchy compared to the rest of the skin. Once stretch marks mature, they’ll create a creased texture with slight depression and bumps.

Do Home Treatments Work Against Cellulite or Stretch Marks?

The first go-to solution at home is to use an anti-cellulite body scrub the moment bumpy skin appears. Some apply creams, use brushes, or moisturize their skin to improve the appearance of cellulite.

Here are some home treatments commonly used by people for their stretch marks and cellulite:

Coffee scrub and other body scrub products

Coffee scrub made from coffee grounds is a popular choice because of its accessibility and cost-effectiveness.

Coffee scrub penetrates deep into the skin to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells, resulting in a smoother look. While it cannot completely get rid of cellulite, it can improve the appearance of the skin. Additionally, the caffeine in coffee helps dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow, both of which may contribute to healthier skin.

Other anti-cellulite body scrub products are promoted to help improve the skin’s appearance. These scrubs might help break down fat cells while exfoliating the surface to produce glowing, smoother, and healthier skin.

When trying an anti-cellulite body scrub, make sure it’s made from all-natural ingredients to reduce the risk of having adverse effects. Some cellulite remover scrub and cellulite cream might contain harmful ingredients that can have side effects on sensitive and extremely dry skin.


Massaging can stretch fatty tissues and might prove to be effective in making the cellulite dimples appear smoother. Massaging improves lymphatic circulation and drainage, thus reducing the presence of cellulite in the targeted area.

Massaging is worth trying since it’s natural and can be conveniently done at home. A  massage therapist will do a better job and they may use different oils or creams made not only to improve blood circulation but also the overall massage experience.


Dry brushing is a convenient way to get rid of cellulite. Stroking the affected area stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, thus improving the appearance of cellulite.

When dry brushing, use any bristle brush. Slowly and softly brush the area regularly for five minutes, once or twice a day.

Moisturizers and creams

Keeping the skin moisturized is vital regardless of whether it has cellulite or none. Moisturizing keeps the skin smooth, fresh, and vibrant. Natural moisturizers like virgin coconut oil are recommended for getting rid of cellulite. The oil can tighten up loose skin, thus making the affected area smoother.

Drinking water and eating healthy foods

Drinking plenty of water helps flush away toxins from the body, leaving the skin feeling fresh and rejuvenated. This may reduce the bumpiness of cellulite.

Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids may also help improve the appearance of cellulite. This nutrient is vital not only in building up the immune system but also in making the skin tighter, vibrant, and rich.

In-depth studies on the effectiveness of anti-cellulite body scrub products and other home treatments for stretch marks are still lacking. For lasting solutions, surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures that eliminate cellulite and stretch marks are recommended. They’ve been tested to be safe and effective in making the skin look smoother and younger.

Top 6 Cellulite Treatments in Dubai

A woman getting cellulite treatment in Dubai

Microneedling – Collagen Induction Therapy

The device uses microscopic needles to cause collagen production. It has been shown in clinical studies as a much safer and more effective alternative than traditional skin needling, because of its unique vertical needling technique. The firming and tightening process produces smoother results without damaging the epidermis as other devices do. Microneedling treatments also produce desirable effects on most skin types including those with sensitive or sun-damaged skin.

Fat and Cellulite Burner Machines

Also known as cavitation machines, the technology uses heat and ultrasonic waves to break down body fats and reduce cellulite. By delivering focused thermal energy to a specific area of the skin, circulation is improved and unwanted fat is melted to make it easier to remove from the body.

Fat and cellulite burner machines are non-invasive and can be safely applied to the belly, glutes, upper arm, thighs, or hips. They are portable and can be used at home to achieve smoother skin and a more toned body. The red light therapy utilized by these machines does work best in conjunction with proper diet and exercise.

Fat and cellulite burner machines leave no post-surgical scars, use no chemicals, provide painless treatment, offer no downtime, and produce fast results.

Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover consists of a set of cosmetic procedures designed to make the skin look tighter and younger after pregnancy. It is one of the most popular combination plastic surgery procedures that even Hollywood celebrities trust. Aside from eliminating excessive body fat, it can treat cellulite to provide a tummy free from stretch marks and legs that feel silky smooth.

Mommy Makeover may include breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, or abdominoplasty. Procedures may be removed or added depending on your unique needs. The surgical procedure usually starts with the breast and then the abdomen before any additional treatment is done. The end result of this cosmetic treatment is a cellulite-free, slimmer, and younger-looking body.

Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck is designed to help achieve flatter and firmer abs. It is popular among women who have experienced significant weight fluctuations due to obesity and multiple pregnancies.

During the procedure, a specific amount of excess skin is removed on the inferior part of the abdomen to create nicely shaped abs. As a result, this body contouring cellulite treatment will also remove stretch marks and cellulite found on the target areas.


Liposuction is a popular surgical procedure designed to remove fat from specific areas of the body such as the hips, buttocks, neck, arms, thighs, and abdomen. Aside from removing excess and stubborn fats, the procedure also contours the target areas to create a more toned appearance.

Liposuction body contouring cellulite treatment may slightly improve the appearance of cellulite. Patients with poor skin elasticity might even observe more skin irregularities and dimples than before. The best way to use liposuction is to combine it with other aesthetic treatments to better improve the smoothness of the skin.

Body Contouring

Body Contouring consists of a series of procedures, including laser treatments, to induce collagen production and minimize the appearance of cellulite on the body. It’s designed to tackle unwanted fat tissues and tighten loose skin to create a smoother look. A single session will yield results that can last for years. But to achieve the best results, multiple body contouring cellulite treatment sessions may be needed.

Where to Get Cellulite Treatment in Dubai

The Hobbs Clinic is the preferred choice by many who want to get cellulite treatment in Dubai. We can modify our services to suit your needs. Whether you want a non-invasive cellulite reduction or a surgical treatment for eliminating cellulite and stretch marks, we can customize the treatment plan the way you want it.

Our board-certified plastic surgeons and cosmetic specialists can perform a range of treatments that will help you obtain the look you dream of. We’re trained and experienced in the latest techniques to provide the best possible outcome that will get you smoother and younger-looking skin.

Contact the best plastic surgery clinic in Dubai if you want to schedule your anti-cellulite treatment in Dubai today.