Neck Thread Lift In Dubai

Neck Thread Lift In Dubai

What is a neck thread lift?

Neck thread lift Dubai is a minimally invasive alternative treatment that can tighten and revitalize the skin along the neck and jawline. This procedure uses threads that are inserted into tiny incisions, or punctures, in the targeted area. The threads are then tightened by gradually pulling them upward with sutures anchored into each end of the thread, which causes the surrounding tissue to be lifted and contoured. In addition, incisions are made around the ears to lift the upper earlobes. The thread lift procedures work because of the body’s healing response influences collagen production. This is the source of the facial rejuvenation that is thread lift patients are looking for. The procedure can be done alone or combined with facial plastic surgery procedures such as a facelift or browlift.

The skin around the face and neck is loose because it has been stretched during facial expression and due to a natural process that occurs with age known as ptosis. Ptosis causes the muscles of the face to weaken over time, resulting in sagging skin along the jawline and neck. In addition, loss of volume in the skin along this area can add to a more aged appearance. Neck threads lift is suitable for patients of any age who wish to treat loose skin. Seeking neck thread lifts to look more youthful and refreshed is more accessible with more options available like neck thread lift. 

What are the threads made of?

Two different types of threads can be used in neck thread lift procedures. One type is composed of polydioxanone (PDS) monofilament polypropylene microfibers, similar to the material used to make a fishing line. The other kind of thread is composed of silicone elastomer monofilament polyester microfibers.

Who is the best candidate for a neck lift using threads surgery?

Neck thread lift Dubai is suitable for individuals of any age who are looking to treat signs of aging along the neck and jawline. This procedure can be done alone or combined with facial plastic surgery such as a facelift, browlift, or eyelid surgery. Patients should consult with their surgeon about whether or not they are a good candidate for a neck lift using threads.

Patients should not get a neck thread lift if they cannot maintain proper hygiene of the incision sites after surgery. The procedure may also be unsuitable for individuals who have certain skin conditions along the jawline, such as severe acne scarring or poorly healing wounds.

What is the difference between neck thread lift and traditional surgery? 

A traditional neck lift is a surgical procedure that uses more invasive methods of tightening the skin along your jawline and neck, typically resulting in longer recovery times. The neck thread lift does not require an incision around the earlobe; instead, it uses two small punctures at each lobe to insert the threads. This technique avoids stretching the surrounding tissue, resulting in unnatural-looking results. Neck thread lift is an outpatient procedure that takes less than two hours to complete.

What can I expect during my consultation?

Your surgeon will ask you questions about your medical history, lifestyle, and expectations for the surgery. They will examine your neck to determine if you are a candidate for thread lift surgery. They may recommend other procedures such as surgical  facelift surgery or even rhinoplasty, which would give you an overall rejuvenated look and complement the benefits of a thread lift.

How to prepare for neck thread lift surgery?

Before surgery, you will be given instructions about your diet and medications. You may need to stop taking certain medications in advance or for a short time. It would help if you took all prescribed antibiotics before the surgery to prevent infection. You will be asked to fast before the procedure, usually 12 hours.

What happens during neck thread lift surgery?

Typically, the entire surgery lasts for two to four hours. During a  neck lift Dubai procedure, your surgeon will make a small incision in the natural crease of your neck and place specially designed threads under the skin. They will then pull them up towards your hairline. The tension from the pulling medical procedure tightens the sagging tissue, giving you a more lifted appearance.

Post Surgery and Recovery

The recovery period takes about one week to heal. You may experience swelling, redness, numbness, and bruising in your neck after surgery. This is normal and will subside over the next several weeks. You will not be able to get the stitches wet or submerge your body in water during the first week after surgery.

After this, you can begin to shower and perform light activities. You should wear loose clothes and avoid strenuous work until the end of the first week after surgery.

How long will the results of a neck lift using threads surgery last?

Your results should last for several years. The body naturally absorbs the polydioxanone threads over three to six months. When this happens, you can repeat surgery if you desire more tightening or even undergo more aesthetic procedures as you want.

How to maintain my neck lift results?

To maintain the results of your thread lift procedure, avoid smoking and excessive sun exposure. Also, maintaining a healthy weight will help ensure that you do not lose skin elasticity over time. Make sure to include proper exercise in your routine when fully recovered.

Neck Rejuvenation at The Hobbs Clinic

If you’re considering a neck thread lift treatment in Dubai, the Hobbs Clinic is the perfect place to go. We offer all the best cutaneous and aesthetic surgery services, and our team of expert plastic surgeons will make sure that you are comfortable and happy with your results.

The Hobbs Clinic is dedicated to bringing your dream into reality. From mommy makeovers to liposuction, you’d get the best luxury plastic surgery treatment with us.

Book a consultation today, and let us help you achieve the beautiful look you deserve.