Dermal and Body Fillers in Dubai

Dermal and Body Fillers in Dubai

Dermal and Body Fillers Dubai

Are you considering dermal and body fillers Dubai? If so, you’re in good company! A recent study found that Dubai is one of the top destinations for cosmetic surgery procedures. And with good reason – the city offers world-class hospitals and surgeons, affordable prices, and a wide variety of procedures to choose from. So if you’re looking to improve your appearance through surgery, Dubai should be on your list!

This blog post will look at dermal and body fillers in Dubai. We’ll discuss what they are, how they work, and who can benefit from them. We’ll also provide some tips on choosing a surgeon and planning your procedure. Read on to learn more!

What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are injectable materials that plump up the skin to reduce wrinkles, folds, and lines. The procedure fills in sunken areas on your face or body, including laugh lines around the mouth, tear troughs under the eyes, scars, lip lines, and hollowed cheeks. Dermal fillers can also enhance lips and make thin lips look fuller, reduce the appearance of a double chin, improve facial contours, and correct any other deep creases or lines on the face.

They can also restore lost volume to the hands to plump up thinning skin, improve under-eye circles by filling in hollows underneath your eyes, and give you a more youthful appearance.

What are body fillers?

Dermal fillers and body fillers are different in many ways. For one, most dermal fillers come with a pre-filled syringe that the doctor uses to inject the filler into specific areas of your face or your muscle tissue; however, there are several types of non-surgical fat-blasting procedures such as CoolSculpting and Vanquish that can be used to reduce excess fat in unwanted areas of the body.

The key difference is where the injectable material goes. Dermal fillers go into or under your skin, while body fillers go directly into your fatty tissue and move around as you do so that you won’t feel them at all.

When do I need dermal and body fillers?

Most people need dermal and body fillers at some point in their lives. Dermal filler treatment is used to add volume to the skin, while body fillers improve the body’s contour. Many different dermal and body fillers are available, each with benefits and drawbacks.

The best time to start using dermal and body fillers are when you first begin to notice signs of aging, such as wrinkles or loss of volume. However, you can also use injectable fillers to improve the appearance of scars or stretch marks. Dermal and body fillers can be used individually or combined with other treatments, such as Botox or laser therapy.

If you consider using dermal or body fillers, consult with a doctor to discuss the best type. Be sure to ask about each variety of filler’s risks and side effects.

What are the different types of dermal and body fillers?

The two most common types of dermal fillers are calcium hydroxylapatite and hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in your skin, but others are available. These fillers restore volume and can be used alone or together, depending on the patient’s needs. Your plastic surgeon will help you determine which dermal filler treatments are right for you based on your goals.

Calcium hydroxylapatite fillers

Works by replicating the body’s natural collagen via synthetic bovine or porcine collagen, a natural substance your skin needs to stay healthy. It adds volume and fullness under the eyes, around the mouth, and on many other face areas.

Hyaluronic acid fillers

Made from a natural, sugar-based polymer that can hold up to 1000 times its weight in water while also emitting moisture, it provides long-lasting results with minimal swelling or discomfort to facial muscles. Restylane® and Juvéderm® are popular hyaluronic acid dermal fillers because they don’t require allergy testing and they come at a lower price tag than other dermal fillers.


Collagen is a naturally occurring protein found in the skin. It is used as a dermal filler because it is biodegradable and helps to promote collagen production. Collagen injections are often used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Poly-L-lactic acid

Poly-L-lactic acid is a synthetic polymer that is used as a dermal filler. It helps to promote collagen production and is biodegradable. Poly-L-lactic acid is often used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and scars.

Fat grafting

This is a type of body filler that uses fat cells from another part of the body to improve the body’s contour. It is often used to reduce the appearance of stretch marks or scars.

Which type of filler is good for me?

Each filler is designed to target different areas or problems.

It can be tricky to determine which type of filler is best for you, but your doctor will be able to help you decide based on your specific needs.  During your consultation, you must discuss with your doctor what your desired outcome is. Whether you want to improve the aesthetics of your facial features, remove nasolabial folds, or get plump lips through lip fillers in Dubai, a solution is available for you.

How do I prepare for dermal and body filler treatment?

Your doctor will give you thorough instructions on how to prepare for your treatment, including which type of anesthetic they will use to numb the area that will be injected into. You may be asked not to eat or drink before the treatment, and it’s a good idea to go over your medications with your doctor because some drugs can cause complications during this type of cosmetic procedure.

What does the procedure feel like?

Dermal fillers for wrinkles and other folds are usually injected along shallow nerve endings. Most patients don’t experience any pain during the treatment, mainly if numbing cream is applied first. There may be a slight stinging sensation as the filler enters your skin, but it’s usually only mild and fades quickly.

Body fillers for fat removal and body contouring are not injected into your nerves, which means you’ll feel the injections more than dermal filler injections. However, because the material goes into your fatty tissue to dissolve over time, it’s still significantly less uncomfortable than many other cosmetic procedures such as liposuction; although you may experience some mild discomfort, most patients say it feels like a cat scratch or bee sting.

Benefits of dermal and body fillers

  • You’ll get rid of those fine lines or wrinkles around your mouth & eyes.
  • Your skin will become tighter and smoother.
  • You’ll have firmer skin that will give you better contours in the areas where you’re getting this procedure done.
  • Your face muscles will relax, meaning that your smile will be more natural—and you’ll also get rid of any fine lines or crow’s feet around your eyes.
  • Your body shape is going to improve significantly.
  • You won’t have any dimples when pressing down on an area of your skin.
  • Your clothes are not going to sag if they fit correctly.
  • It will be easier for you to put on some weight because the fat cells deep under your skin will shrink or disappear altogether.
  • Your skin will become more toned and elastic, which means that you can wear your favorite outfits more often.
  • You won’t have any problems with your self-esteem because, after this procedure, you’ll look great and feel even better.

Dermal and Body Fillers Dubai at the Hobbs Clinic

The Hobbs Clinic is Dubai’s best place for dermal and body fillers. Our renowned GP Aesthetic team led by Dr. Branka Adzic and Dr. Mohamed Mansour will guide you through the process, and you’ll receive the best luxury aesthetic treatment in Dubai

Dr. Branka and Dr. Mohamed are experienced in the use of dermal and body fillers, having served dozens of patients in their career. They will be able to understand your desired aesthetic and create a solution that is worthy of your aspirations. 

The clinic’s highly experienced team of specialists uses the latest techniques and equipment to administer fillers quickly and effectively. Depending on your individual needs and concerns, they will work with you to find the best filler for you.

If you’re dreaming of looking your best, book a consultation today. You won’t regret it!